I am on the plane a twin engined prop jet plane from Panama City to Bocas del Tora which is a miracle ! No, several miracles ! Please explain.....alright..... The Qantas flight from Melbourne to Sydney then to LA was uneventful although I had a greedy fellow with his family next to and behind me. He drank 5 bottles of wine ( ok they were small ones) then ate 3 ice creams. Anyway, that is beside the point . I had to wait about 14 hours at LA but did have a couple of decent beers and a Mexican ensalada from a food bus parked in the inside middle of the terminal so the time passed .
The flight to Miami was also fortunately uneventful and all was looking good when we boarded the plane for Tocumal airport,Panama City. The plane was fully loaded and I was expecting a smooth run to be able to take to half to one hour taxi ride from the international airport to catch the little domestic plane from Albrook Airport to Bocas . Then our pilot on the American Airlines flight stepped out of the cabin and announced that the co-pilots father had died and we had to find a replacement pilot which could take 2 hours ! So off we all got along with our luggage. Then they announced that the new copilot had arrived and we would be boarding in 30 minutes. Shortly after that announcement came another one stating that the plane now had an oil leak and we'd have to get on another plane which turned out to be in woop woop and so I took a trip on the sky train, plus many escalators and much walking to arrive at departure gate D 31. Our departure on the terminal was further delayed as there was a queue of planes which had to fly over Cuba .....so we had to take our turn.
My anxiety subsided to quiet resignation that there was little hope of getting to my boat today which would mean a hotel stay near the domestic airport in Panama. Eventually we flew to Panama, cleared Immigration, no worries, welcome to Panama Sir. Luggage not on carosel 1, but did turn up on no. 5. Raced to Custom, saw long lines of people, it is now 3.40. The airlines staff had an express queue so I jumped on that and got served and out very quickly. Next to a taxi, need a fast driver got one for a small fee USD1-, then the taxi $35- Doing speeds up to 140 kph we got to the domestic airport at Albrook in about 20 minutes. It is now 4.05 pm, plane due to leave at 4.30 . Again, jump the long queues and had 15 minutes to departure and the desk attendant said I needed one hour prior to check in...she let me through , I was last on the plane ,plane leaves early ! Panama planes never leave early but this one did with me on it !
The flight to Miami was also fortunately uneventful and all was looking good when we boarded the plane for Tocumal airport,Panama City. The plane was fully loaded and I was expecting a smooth run to be able to take to half to one hour taxi ride from the international airport to catch the little domestic plane from Albrook Airport to Bocas . Then our pilot on the American Airlines flight stepped out of the cabin and announced that the co-pilots father had died and we had to find a replacement pilot which could take 2 hours ! So off we all got along with our luggage. Then they announced that the new copilot had arrived and we would be boarding in 30 minutes. Shortly after that announcement came another one stating that the plane now had an oil leak and we'd have to get on another plane which turned out to be in woop woop and so I took a trip on the sky train, plus many escalators and much walking to arrive at departure gate D 31. Our departure on the terminal was further delayed as there was a queue of planes which had to fly over Cuba .....so we had to take our turn.
My anxiety subsided to quiet resignation that there was little hope of getting to my boat today which would mean a hotel stay near the domestic airport in Panama. Eventually we flew to Panama, cleared Immigration, no worries, welcome to Panama Sir. Luggage not on carosel 1, but did turn up on no. 5. Raced to Custom, saw long lines of people, it is now 3.40. The airlines staff had an express queue so I jumped on that and got served and out very quickly. Next to a taxi, need a fast driver got one for a small fee USD1-, then the taxi $35- Doing speeds up to 140 kph we got to the domestic airport at Albrook in about 20 minutes. It is now 4.05 pm, plane due to leave at 4.30 . Again, jump the long queues and had 15 minutes to departure and the desk attendant said I needed one hour prior to check in...she let me through , I was last on the plane ,plane leaves early ! Panama planes never leave early but this one did with me on it !
Bocas del Tora

Now just arrived at Bocas del Tora. Wait for luggage, excess was only USD$33.25. They allow 14 kg I was 30 kg. Taxi hustler ,young guy complaining of big night last night, alcohol , cocaine, ladies but gets me to boat to Isla Carenero for $2- boat ride to marina is $1- and he gets a tip of $3- but want beer which I don't have. All the gang is in the communal kitchen for happy hour, I'm welcomed back. Russ and Shelley who were in Melbourne and left a day before me haven't arrived yet as they tried to do it on the cheap getting here with different airlines. Have 2 beers, neighbour Brian has finished his book on birds of Costa Rica , he is an exquisite illustrator. I tell him his drawings look so good, they look like someone else did them! Will give details about his e books later. Get to boat, have a can of baked beans and some tinned peaches....all good, no fresh food.
Go to bed at 9 pm sleep until 6 am. AC on boat kept it dry but wood has shrunk, fridge kids won't fit now, will need work. Boat pretty much ok , some mould outside, good inside. Bocas dry, no rain to fill our tanks. Sorry for longwinded expo about trip. I think my new website has something to do with it.... www.daveisom.com.au Will try to put this on website as future record of trip. Thanks to all those who helped me back in Aus. Especially Vicky for having me for sooo long, Jules for various including looking after my mail and bills and the rest of you for your company. Will give an update once I've settled in. Bye for now Love Dave Ps. At the communal kitchen to get internet. Polish guy with Costa Rican girlfriend cooking French toast with cinnamon and maple syrup.....smells delish. Make 2 slices for me plus coffee....muchly appreciated.
Go to bed at 9 pm sleep until 6 am. AC on boat kept it dry but wood has shrunk, fridge kids won't fit now, will need work. Boat pretty much ok , some mould outside, good inside. Bocas dry, no rain to fill our tanks. Sorry for longwinded expo about trip. I think my new website has something to do with it.... www.daveisom.com.au Will try to put this on website as future record of trip. Thanks to all those who helped me back in Aus. Especially Vicky for having me for sooo long, Jules for various including looking after my mail and bills and the rest of you for your company. Will give an update once I've settled in. Bye for now Love Dave Ps. At the communal kitchen to get internet. Polish guy with Costa Rican girlfriend cooking French toast with cinnamon and maple syrup.....smells delish. Make 2 slices for me plus coffee....muchly appreciated.